“لين مشعل وليان مشعل”
/بواسطة hopeforact
“سليمان التيناوي”
/بواسطة hopeforact
“تسنيم دحوس”
/بواسطة hopeforact
ملجئي هنا..وهناك!
/بواسطة hopeforact
أصبحت وفاء ثانية…
/بواسطة hopeforact
تيم صفصافي
/بواسطة hopeforact
ستكونين كل شيء لهذه العائلة
/بواسطة hopeforact
إنطلاقة…مع الريح
/بواسطة hopeforact
“أن نرى أنفسنا بنفس الطريقة على التلفزيون”
/بواسطة hopeforact
فكرة أوضح عن المستقبل
/بواسطة hopeforact
والله بيطلع معها
/بواسطة hopeforact
فجأة صرت مطرح ما أنا
/بواسطة hopeforactنجم كل يوم

Action for Hope has a message it never tires to repeat: securing survival is not only about material support, about providing food and shelter. It is also about preserving humanity, about maintaining our empathy and what makes us human. Culture and education are important for this.
Read moreStephan SteinleinState Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany

In Lebanon, where many Syrian refugees are currently located, the unemployment rate is very high, making it difficult for young people to enter the labor market. There is, on the other hand, potential in the culture sector. Culture has the ability to create union and open dialogue between different communities. We are therefore proud to support Action for Hope’s project to educate young Syrian refugees in theatre, music and film production to help increase their chances to find employment, strengthen their self-esteem and joy of life.
Marie DahllöfSecretary General of the Swedish Postcode Foundation
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